Gig Harbor Family Dentistry Dental Mission Peru

Gig Harbor Family Dentistry is excited to announce that we are going to Cusco Peru to provide dental services to the community there. We are taking as many members of our office as possible to do as much good as we can. We feel we have put together a great team to relieve the dental issues of the people of Peru.

Our office will also be taking down supplies to give away and help with home care. We want to send all of them home with toothbrushes, toothpaste and floss, which are sometimes hard to get. We also need to bring our personal protective equipment to do the dental work, like gloves, masks and other equipment.

We are serving through A Broader View Volunteers and are so excited to lean on their knowledge and experience in making this a reality.

We can't wait to get to know the people and culture of Peru!

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Gig Harbor Family Dentistry David Wilcox
Program type
Medical - Dental / Healthcare

72% Complete (success)

72% Funded

82 day(s) Remaining

New Donors

Crenshaw, Jacqueline US$ 23

US$ 10354 Raised

