CR - Orphanage Education Volunteer non-profit

Since volunteering christian ministry trip in The Gambia West Africa in November of 2011 and subsequent Spanish Immersion trips, TEFL Certification and studies to teach English as a second/foreign language, I've prayed for God to use my skills and passion for children locally and abroad.

God has opened this opportunity for me through the non-profit organization, A Broader View. I will spend the entire month of May 2023 living with a local family, teaching English to Kindergarten children and helping in a local orphanage. I will be immersing in the Spanish Language and Culture and broadening my skills for future programs both abroad and at home. Friends and family have often said I'm tough to shop for because I've never been a materilistic gal - pretty simple for the most part. I'm blessed and fortunate to have the time and skill set to help in this school and orphanage and realize that many of my friends and family are also passionate about helping, but simply don't have the time nor means.

Your donation is not only the perfect opportunity to be a part of of this mission, but also would be a tax credit donation directly through Abroader View (non-profit international volunteer organization).

Donate before December 31, 2022 for 2022 Tax Year or anytime before March 16, 2023 (goal date). Any contribution will help and go directly to support my volunteer work at the Orphanage and School through A Broader View.

Thank you, in advance for your support! I'm blessed and excited for this opportunity and appreciate any amount of support. Kim Papi

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Kim Michele Papi
Program type
Teaching / Education

96% Complete (success)

96% Funded

107 day(s) Remaining

New Donors

Kolon Rachlis, Susan US$ 23

US$ 1534 Raised

